What are the Rewards

Participants in the 2024 XR-Lympics can earn a total of 21 rewards.
There are 6 non-mission rewards and 15 mission rewards. (Subject to change)

For each game, you can earn 2 non-mission rewards.

Reward 1: Submit Discord ID on the Event Registration Form on the webpage
Reward 2: Own all 3 game titles

Real VR Fishing & Eleven Table Tennis

For Real VR Fishing and Eleven Table Tennis, you can earn 5 mission rewards.

Reward 1: Complete the Introductory Mission in the game

rvrf introductory mission rewardReal VR Fishing
rvrf introductory mission rewardEleven Table Tennis

Reward 2: Complete the Challenge Mission in the game

rvrf introductory mission rewardReal VR Fishing
rvrf introductory mission rewardEleven Table Tennis

Reward 3: Complete both missions in the game

rvrf introductory mission rewardReal VR Fishing
rvrf introductory mission rewardEleven Table Tennis

Reward 4: Complete both missions in other game 1

rvrf introductory mission rewardReal VR Fishing
rvrf introductory mission rewardEleven Table Tennis

Reward 5: Complete both missions in other game 2

rvrf introductory mission rewardReal VR Fishing
rvrf introductory mission rewardEleven Table Tennis

Walkabout Mini Golf's rewards will be announced by July 26